how to become an insurance adjuster

Insurance adjusters are valued employees and play a critical role for insurance companies. The insurance industry is dependent on adjusters’ ability to manage and process claims. Each day, adjusters communicate with clients and pay out benefits according to often complicated insurance policies. The work is stressful, fast-paced, and demanding. However, with experience, preparation, and proper training, the life of an insurance adjuster can be both gratifying and profitable. Below we discuss ways on how to become an insurance adjuster.

So, how does one become an insurance adjuster? Most universities don’t offer degrees in insurance. Some graduate schools advertise certificates in insurance, but these programs are time consuming and expensive. The best option is to enroll in online insuraAnce prelicensing courses. More affordable than a graduate program, these classes teach students the role of adjusters, the different types of insurance policies they will encounter, and provide them with an insight into the day-to-day responsibilities.

Insurance companies hire adjusters with a desire to learn. Insurance is complicated and adjusters need to be able to think on their feet, interpret policies, and remain calm under stressful conditions. Applicants with prior experience working in insurance are preferred; however, they must do more than simply show they worked for an insurance company in the past. Recruiters look for employees with critical thinking and analytical skills. Adjusters must be able to carry a heavy workload and meet time sensitive deadlines.

Companies also favor applicants with customer service experience. Adjusters are on the phone for the majority of the day. They call clients, explain policies, and detail the amounts and timelines associated with the payout of benefits. Frequently, they must deny claims. As you can imagine, clients don’t always react with kindness when they’re told their claim is denied. Experienced adjusters use their customer service skills to placate disgruntled clients. If you want to become an insurance adjuster, it’s helpful to first spend some time in customer service job.

Most companies require at least some secondary education beyond high school. However, many employers are flexible. If you don’t have a college degree, you’re not necessarily out of luck. If you’re thinking of becoming an adjuster, take an online class. Certifications in Insurance and related fields may be able to take the place of a college degree.

Insurance companies also look for employees who know how to make a deal. Sales men and women are highly desired for their ability to negotiate. As an adjuster, you’ll be expected to settle claims with clients, attorneys, and at times, hospitals and doctors. Applicants who can negotiate, will have a head up on the competition.

So, if you want to be an adjuster, start preparing today. Enroll in an online class, clean-up your resume, and make sure to list your prior jobs in customer service and sales. If you do this, you’ll be one step closer to becoming an insurance adjuster.