The Johnson and Johnson Talc Lawsuit Brings Up Many Important Issues
Customers rely on the products that companies sell them. People today pick up products trusting the products they use are safe, effective and will do as promised. When something goes wrong, this seems to violate such trust. Customers may feel a sense of betrayal. This can be particularly true in the case of a widely respected brand with a long history of delivering products that people have use in their everyday lives. Such is the case with recent revelations about some of Johnson and Johnson talc lawsuit products. This consumer conglomerate has been in the business of providing products for the American consumer for decades. As one of the most trusted names in business, many consumers have been startled to learn about a Johnson and Johnson talc lawsuit. The recent lawsuit suggests that company officials have deliberately attempted to cover up potentially damaging studies indicating that one of their core products may be linked to cancer.
The Dangers of Talc Products
Talc is a commonly used substance. People have been using talc in order to help absorb moisture for centuries. In recent decades, many consumers in the United States have used talcum powder when changing a baby to help avoid avoid diaper rash. People have also been using talcum powder as part of their personal hygiene routine. American companies have presented talcum powder as a fresh, natural substance that offers an extra layer of cleaning power without any risks. Unfortunately, some recent studies have suggested that there may be a link between long-term use of talcum powder and the development of certain kinds of cancers. In particular, studies have linked prolonged use of talcum powder to the development of ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer is an especially troublesome kind of cancer as it is rarely detected at any early stage. As such, many women do not find they have ovarian cancer until the cancer is well advanced. Treating ovarian cancer can be difficult once it is has reached an advanced stage. Long-term survival outcomes over five years are poor while treatments are often inadequate at best.
Lawsuits Against This Product
Concerns about the long-term use of talc and the link with ovarian cancer have been noted for over forty years. Despite such concerns, it is evident that those at Johnson and Johnson did little to alert the public or consider suggesting that the public should revise their use of talcum powder. As a result, there have been several Johnson and Johnson talc lawsuits in recent years. Such lawsuits seek compensation for those who have this cancer. By law, company officials were under a legal obligation to alert the public to avoid certain uses of talcum powder. Such changes were not made. Hence, officials can expect future lawsuits as people learn about Johnson and Johnson’s possible legal negligence.