You’re sitting around home one day, minding your own business, and you’re suddenly shocked to see you’ve been mailed a red light ticket. How did this happen?

Red Light Ticket

Why You Can Get Red Light Tickets Even If You Weren’t Driving

California has red light cameras everywhere. Unfortunately, these cameras are usually operated by third-party companies looking for a profit, not justice. They’re more than happy to give you a ticket:

  • Even if someone else was driving.
  • Even if you sold the car months ago to another driver.
  • Even if you ran a red light to avoid causing an accident.

Can you fight ticket Los Angeles for red light cameras or do you have to pay?

What To Expect

Before you panic, know that you have nothing to worry about – in theory. California law states that you can only be charged for a red light violation if officers can prove two things:

  1. You were behind the wheel.
  2. Your license plate and face are both clearly visible in any photographs.

If you get a red light ticket, you’re not obligated to pay, and you’re also not legally bound to provide the name of the person in the photograph, even if a judge or police officer asks you to.

What To Do

The first step is to contact a red light ticket lawyer. You want a real lawyer by your side who can give you professional advice, not some automated online service to fill out forms you don’t even understand. Here are some things an attorney will likely do:

  • Inform the pertinent authorities of the mix-up and ask them to drop the issue.
  • Request a trial by written declaration, explaining the situation and submitting photographic evidence.
  • Schedule a court date to represent you in person.

Real attorneys can file motions to dismiss, argue red light cameras were malfunctioning or miscalibrated, interview witnesses and present other evidence. It’s a very bad idea to just ignore red light tickets, hoping they’ll go away. Instead, contact a traffic ticket attorney to avoid unjust fines and insurance premium increases.