Criminals frequently target businesses as they know that the premises will be vacant and there will be expensive equipment on site. Theft can be extremely costly for any business, but it’s easy to deter criminals using few simple ways.

Security is a serious issue for businesses in all industries. Criminals target companies as they know that the premises will be vacant overnight and that there will be expensive equipment or cash on site. Fortunately, there are many different ways to improve security in the workplace. Check out some of the most prominent ways to avoid theft at your place of work:

Upgrade security system

Security technology is evolving at a rapid rate. It means that it is likely that your current system is not as advanced as it could be, so regularly upgrade your technology. The upgradation process could include new CCTV cameras, perimeter alarms, key code access points, intruder alarms and motion detectors.

Appoint a safety coordinator

Many employers struggle to find the time to improve workplace security. So, it’s better to appoint a safety coordinator who would be responsible for handling safety improvements, conducting safety audits and communicating issues related to security at meetings.

Test entry points

Criminals look for weak entry points to gain access to the building after hours. To avoid trespassing, you must check every door, window and any other access point. They all should open, close and lock properly and if you find something wrong with a particular entry, get it fixed immediately.

Advertise your security system

Criminals will not attempt to gain access if they know that you have a high-quality security system in place as they know that they will get caught. Advertise your system with the use of security signs around the premises. In addition to warning criminals, it will also educate people on site and help them to feel at ease.

Communicate with employees

One of the best ways to improve security is to discuss it with your staff at regular meetings. Ask them ways to improve the safety of the premises. Ask them if they feel secured or if they have spotted anything irregular lately.

Educate employees

You should also train employees to act safely and prevent crime. It can include how to handle cash correctly, how to close the business at night and to always have someone by your side if you are leaving after hours. You can also encourage them to lock away any valuable possessions when not in use and to report any suspicious activity.

Security Staff

If security is a big concern for your industry, consider hiring security staff. Though it can be a little expensive, but it will provide you with peace of mind and drastically reduce the chance of any crime occurring.

Theft can be devastating for any business. Sadly, many companies do not realise this until it is too late and so, it is vital for employers to assess their security measures immediately.