With the rise in technology, hackers are figuring out new ways to compromise data. Everything from pacemakers to mobile phones are at risk. Since a large part of the population relies on handheld devices, keeping the information that passes through these devices safe is very important. Now that the Internet of things (IoT) is a part of everyday life, technology can keep data safe in an interconnected world. The very data that flows through our hyper-connected channels can also offer the solution for securing privacy and keeping hackers out.

How Big Data Protects Us

Protecting connected devices from the threat of hackers is no small task. However, it is the responsibility that enterprises take on by handling personal data. It is important for every enterprise to have a plan in place for safeguarding data. This plan should scale and increase as technology grows. Today’s hackers are using phishing scams, legitimate device imitators, sophisticated spyware, password catchers and a whole list of other methods to gain access to data they should not have access to. Luckily, big data is emerging as a pivotal player in the race to keep data shielded. It plays an important role in fraud prevention because it allows an enterprise to close loopholes that could be detected and exploited by hackers.

How Does Big Data Prevent Fraud?

Platforms that use data streaming to detect unusual or unauthorized behavior can spot breaches while they are being carried out. Detecting breaches in real time is important in mitigating the risk of security cameras and/or payment systems being compromised after the fact. In many cases, hackers will test out vulnerabilities before fully launching an attack. Data that flows in through a constant stream can provide an enterprise with the opportunity to create baselines based on that enterprise’s data history. As a result, any event that deviates from the norm can set off red flags and be given the attention it deserves. To further security, enterprises can enlist additional protocols that can instantly lock out suspicious users or locations from accessing networks.

Security Around the Clock

Currently, there are more than 4,000 business cyber attacks taking place every day. This number is projected to increase as more and more people around the globe begin using smart devices. Data-streaming platforms that can process high volumes of information around the clock make big data an essential tool in the fight against high-tech hackers. Employing an automated platform for processing big data can save valuable time between when a hack occurs and when an enterprise is notified that a resolution is needed. Past and current data can work together to stop cyber attacks.