What a Net Branch Opportunity Can Offer Smaller Lenders
As a small financial lender, it may seem that your competition has gotten all the breaks. Their promotional reach, their liquid assets, their reputation and their loan rates all outclass yours. This is why exploring becoming a net branch for a greater financial outfit is worth your time. You’ll find a parent branch can offer a number of important benefits that can boost a small lender’s standing in the marketplace.
Name Recognition
Small lenders have to build up their reputation, which isn’t easy to do if you haven’t been in service for very long. People are looking for established lenders they can trust. While you can build that trust with satisfied customers who will review your practice favorably, it may be hard to get them into the door without an established name brand. Becoming a net branch means you can benefit from being affiliated with a well trusted lender, making it easier to attract clients.
As an independent operation, your lending practice is likely unknown outside of your local community, and that’s only if you’ve done any kind of promotion for it. There are many ways to promote a business, and if you want to be successful, you may have to try most if not all of them. That includes television commercials, video clips for use on Youtube or other video platforms, internet text ads, press releases, or holding public events. You’ll have to devise your own ad campaigns, which can take up a lot of time and resources. In fact, you may not be able to afford the needed promotion. A net branch opportunity can offer you important promotional resources.
Better Rates
Financial lenders would love to be able to offer the best rates possible to potential clients. However, the size of your practice and your current liquid assets may not be enough to allow you to offer rates comparable to your competitors. Net branching, however, can provide you important assistance in this area. Parent branches may offer a number of services, including a line of credit and in-house underwriting systems, to enable you to provide better rates. The end result is that you attract more clients, close an increasing number of deals, and overall conduct more business.
Becoming a net branch provides experience in two ways. First, you’re working with a parent branch that has in all probability been in operation for longer than you have, and has worked with complex financial transactions and loans. With this experience, they’ll help you avoid potential problems as you conduct your service. In turn, you and your staff will gain vital experience as an operating branch. With the help your parent branch provides, you stand a better chance of staying in service to your community and earn important experience that can benefit you should you decide to go fully independent sometime down the line.
When exploring net branching opportunities, be sure to look for all the benefits that you want for your lending outfit. A good parent branch will do all it can to make sure its branches grow and profit from their practice, so don’t hesitate to check out what net branching can do for you.